veggies via boca burger

there are some people who just gotta have a burger – so much so, that if they can’t have a beef burger, they’ll have a turkey burger, tuna burger or even veggie burger. i’m not one of these people – if i don’t have a beef burger, no biggie – i’d find something else to order!

m is one of those who would choose a substitution just to have a burger. after reading many positive reviews about it, we tried the boca burger for the first time. m paired the grilled vegetable boca burger with american cheese, tomatoes, onions and barbecue sauce – all of the above – layered in between a lightly toasted soft wheat bun.

it was pretty good! it was moist, had a neutral flavor and was a substantial meal – leaving you feeling full and satisfied. since we can’t have a beef burger every day so give boca’s veggie burgers a try! you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

pick up some boca burgers at your local grocery store and give boca recipes a try!

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